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Our Projects and Holistic medicine for Alzheimer's Info.

At Alzheimer's Wellness Crate Company, our mission is to revolutionize the way we approach Alzheimer's disease and dementia care by offering comprehensive support and innovative solutions. Unfortunately Alzheimer's Disease is a fatal diagnosis, we sincerely believe that our program can improve quality of life. Here's an overview of our work and what we aim to accomplish with each aspect of our offerings:

Nutritional Biology

We believe in the power of nutrition to support brain health and overall well-being. Our team of experts curates each crate with a focus on providing nutritious, brain-boosting foods and supplements. By emphasizing the importance of a balanced diet rich in essential nutrients, vitamins, and antioxidants, we aim to optimize cognitive function and promote overall health for individuals living with Alzheimer's and dementia.


New Neurological Rehabilitation Exercises

Physical activity is crucial for maintaining cognitive function and mobility, especially for individuals with Alzheimer's and dementia. Our crates include specially designed neurological rehabilitation exercises tailored to the unique needs and abilities of our community members. These exercises are carefully crafted to improve coordination, balance, and strength, while also stimulating neural pathways and promoting neuroplasticity. We introduce essential cognitive exercises that challenge memory, such as memorization tasks, puzzles, and mnemonic techniques, can strengthen neural pathways associated with memory encoding, storage, and retrieval. These exercises force the brain to actively engage with and process information, leading to improved memory retention and recall abilities over time. Cognitive exercises have been proven to be vital for maintaining neurological help, I highly recommend sticking to our proposed plan and implementing more exercises that work for you!


Neuro Supplements

In addition to a healthy diet and exercise regimen, certain supplements offer additional support for brain health and cognitive function. Our crates introduce & highly recommend purchase and use of high-quality neuro supplements formulated to target specific cognitive functions and address common nutritional deficiencies associated with Alzheimer's and dementia. We chose not to supply supplements due to several factors, but purchasing them on your own will be easier and you can set them up on auto pay/auto shipment to continue to reup your supply every month! These supplements are backed by scientific research and expert recommendations, providing our community with safe and effective options for optimizing brain health.


Scent-Memory Connection Therapy

We understand the powerful connection between scent and memory, and we harness this connection to enhance emotional well-being and cognitive function. Our crates include scent-memory therapy kits that utilize carefully selected fragrances to evoke positive memories, reduce stress and anxiety, and improve overall mood. By incorporating scent-memory therapy into our holistic approach to care, we aim to provide individuals with Alzheimer's and dementia a comforting and therapeutic experience that stimulates their senses and enhances their quality of life as well as compounding with the other exercises within our program! Scent-mediated therapy will help with cognitive exercises and create an easier memory recall mechanic!

Alzheimer's Disease Program

Our Four Modalities! We want to be completely transparent and our goal is to help you & your loved one!


I have 3 family members on my mothers side who have passed away due to Alzheimer's Disease. I have done extensive research and put both of my parents (62 years old) on my program to increase the chances of preventing a neurodegenerative disease. I figured I would create this business to help others! It is my goal as a scientist to save lives!


Nutritional Biology: The Foundation of Cellular Health

  • Why It Matters:

    • Alzheimer’s disease is characterized by inflammation, oxidative stress, and cellular damage in the brain. Nutritional biology, particularly focusing on diets rich in micronutrients, can help protect neurons and promote brain health.

    • The Mediterranean Diet, for instance, is highly recommended for its anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective properties. Rich in antioxidants, omega-3 fatty acids, and essential vitamins, this diet supports overall metabolic and cognitive health, providing the brain with the nutrients it needs to function optimally.

  • Dr. Bruce Ames' Triage Theory:

    • Dr. Bruce Ames’ theory suggests that when the body lacks sufficient micronutrients, it prioritizes short-term survival at the expense of long-term health. This can accelerate neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s.

    • A nutrient-dense diet helps to prevent this "triage" effect, ensuring that cells, including neurons, receive the necessary nutrients to repair and maintain long-term function.

  • Benefits of Nutritional Biology in Alzheimer’s:

    • Reduction of Inflammation: Key nutrients like omega-3s, curcumin, and antioxidants reduce brain inflammation, a hallmark of Alzheimer’s pathology.

    • Protection Against Oxidative Stress: A diet rich in vitamins E and C, found in fruits, vegetables, and nuts, helps neutralize free radicals that contribute to neuronal damage.

    • Support for Neuroplasticity: Nutrients like choline and B vitamins found in leafy greens and whole grains support neurotransmitter function and neuroplasticity, which can help the brain adapt and function more efficiently even as disease progresses.

  • Early Intervention: Starting a nutrient-rich diet as soon as possible after diagnosis helps to immediately address the metabolic deficiencies that accelerate cognitive decline. This approach gives the brain the tools it needs to slow down the degenerative process and preserve cognitive function for a longer period.


Cognitive Exercises: Keeping the Mind Active

  • Why It Matters:

    • Cognitive exercise therapy involves engaging in activities that stimulate brain function, such as memory tasks, puzzles, problem-solving exercises, and brain games. These exercises are essential for maintaining cognitive function and slowing down the progression of Alzheimer’s disease.

    • Regular mental engagement promotes neuroplasticity, which is the brain’s ability to reorganize itself by forming new neural connections. This is particularly important in Alzheimer’s patients, as cognitive decline is associated with the loss of these connections.

  • Types of Cognitive Exercises:

    • Memory Games: Simple activities like matching games or recalling sequences help strengthen memory and attention.

    • Problem-Solving Tasks: Sudoku, crossword puzzles, and logic games encourage problem-solving, which supports higher-level cognitive functions.

    • Brain Training Programs: Digital apps designed to challenge the brain in various cognitive domains, such as Lumosity or Elevate, provide structured cognitive exercise that can be tailored to the patient’s needs.

    • Art and Music Therapy: Creative activities like painting, playing musical instruments, or listening to familiar music stimulate different parts of the brain, promoting mental engagement.

  • Benefits of Cognitive Exercise Therapy in Alzheimer’s:

    • Slowing Cognitive Decline: Regular cognitive challenges help to slow memory loss and cognitive decline, especially in the early stages of Alzheimer’s.

    • Improving Mental Clarity: Patients who engage in mental exercises may experience better focus, attention, and cognitive function over time, which can lead to more independence in daily tasks.

    • Enhancing Quality of Life: Staying mentally active can improve overall well-being, offering a sense of accomplishment and maintaining self-esteem in patients who may feel their cognitive abilities are slipping.

  • Early Intervention: Starting cognitive exercises immediately after diagnosis helps to preserve mental function as much as possible. By establishing a routine of brain-boosting activities, patients can maintain their cognitive abilities for a longer period, allowing for greater independence and a better quality of life.


Scent-Mediated Therapy: Stimulating the Brain Through Olfactory Pathways

  • Why It Matters:

    • Scent-mediated therapy, or aromatherapy, harnesses the power of essential oils to stimulate the brain through olfactory pathways, which are directly connected to areas of the brain that regulate memory and emotions, such as the amygdala and hippocampus. These regions are among the first to be affected by Alzheimer’s disease.

    • Certain scents have been shown to improve mood, reduce anxiety, and enhance cognitive function, making them a valuable tool for managing Alzheimer’s symptoms.

  • How It Works:

    • Lavender and Chamomile: These calming scents help reduce agitation and anxiety, which are common symptoms in Alzheimer’s patients, especially in the later stages of the disease.

    • Rosemary and Peppermint: These stimulating scents have been shown to enhance memory and focus, helping to improve cognitive function and alertness.

    • Lemon Balm: Known for its calming and mood-enhancing properties, lemon balm can reduce stress and improve overall emotional well-being.

  • Benefits of Scent-Mediated Therapy in Alzheimer’s:

    • Mood Regulation: Aromatherapy can help alleviate symptoms of anxiety, depression, and agitation, which are common in Alzheimer’s patients. By improving mood, patients can experience a better quality of life and a calmer demeanor.

    • Memory Enhancement: Certain scents may stimulate the brain's memory centers, improving recall and cognitive function. Regular exposure to these scents could help slow memory decline in early stages.

    • Sensory Engagement: Engaging the senses helps to keep the brain active. Scent-mediated therapy stimulates one of the brain's most powerful senses, providing cognitive engagement that may support mental clarity.

  • Early Intervention: Introducing scent-mediated therapy immediately after diagnosis can create a calming, stimulating environment that supports mental and emotional health. Early integration can also make it easier for patients to develop positive associations with specific scents, reinforcing cognitive and emotional benefits over time.


Neuro Supplements: Supporting Brain Health with Targeted Nutrition

  • Why It Matters:

    • Neuro supplements provide targeted support for brain health through specific nutrients and compounds that promote nerve regeneration, reduce inflammation, and protect against oxidative stress—factors that contribute to Alzheimer’s progression.

    • Supplements such as Lion’s Mane, Ashwagandha, acetyl-L-carnitine, omega-3 fatty acids, and curcumin have been studied for their neuroprotective properties and ability to enhance cognitive function.

  • Key Neuro Supplements:

    • Lion’s Mane: Known for its ability to stimulate nerve growth factor (NGF), Lion’s Mane supports the regeneration of neurons and enhances cognitive function, particularly memory and focus.

    • Ashwagandha: This adaptogen helps reduce stress and anxiety while supporting cognitive clarity, making it beneficial for managing the mood and cognitive challenges of Alzheimer’s.

    • Acetyl-L-Carnitine: This amino acid supports mitochondrial function, which is crucial for energy production in brain cells. It may improve memory and slow cognitive decline.

    • Omega-3 Fatty Acids: Found in fish oil, omega-3s reduce inflammation in the brain, protect neurons from damage, and support overall cognitive function.

    • Curcumin: The active compound in turmeric, curcumin, has potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, protecting brain cells and promoting neuroplasticity.

  • Benefits of Neuro Supplements in Alzheimer’s:

    • Neuroprotection: These supplements help protect neurons from the oxidative stress and inflammation that accelerate cognitive decline.

    • Cognitive Enhancement: Certain supplements, such as Lion’s Mane and acetyl-L-carnitine, may improve memory and mental clarity, helping to preserve cognitive function in early-stage Alzheimer’s.

    • Mood Regulation: Supplements like Ashwagandha support emotional health by reducing anxiety and stress, which are common in Alzheimer’s patients.

  • Early Intervention: Introducing neuro supplements as soon as possible after diagnosis can provide critical support for the brain at a time when it is most vulnerable to damage. Early supplementation may slow the progression of Alzheimer’s and maintain cognitive function for a longer period, enhancing quality of life.

Point of Interest and 
natural memory remedies

In recent years, emerging research has shed light on the intricate relationship between the gut microbiome and brain health, implicating the gut-brain axis as a critical mediator of neurological function and disease. Alzheimer's disease, a progressive neurodegenerative disorder characterized by cognitive decline, neuroinflammation, and the accumulation of amyloid-beta plaques and tau tangles in the brain, is among the conditions being investigated in the context of gut microbiome dysbiosis. Alzheimer's patients often exhibit alterations in the composition, diversity, and metabolic activity of the gut microbiota compared to healthy individuals. Dysbiosis, characterized by shifts in microbial abundance and function, has been observed in AD patients, with changes in specific microbial taxa implicated in disease progression. Dysbiotic gut microbiota can stimulate the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines and neurotoxic metabolites, leading to systemic inflammation and neuroinflammation. Chronic neuroinflammation is a hallmark of Alzheimer's disease and contributes to neuronal damage, synaptic dysfunction, and cognitive decline.

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